
Beiträge zum Thema Krieg

A | Foto: i.A. Aliaksei Kachanovich
2 Bilder

Amidst Putin´s war crime(s) in Ukraine
Notes of Solidarity

Heidelberg (hb, updated on March 3, 1:10 pm CET). Amidst Putin´s war on Ukraine, the Heidelberg section of the DAAD-Freundeskreis (DAAD Alumni & Friends) is collecting notes of solidarity for the Ukrainian people from all over the world. If you would like to express your thoughts and emotions as well, please feel free to send an e-mail to fk-rhein-neckar(at) For an eyewitness account from Kharkiv by university professor and DAAD alumnus Dr. Igor Girka, please click here. "I...


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