"Jamie Clarke's Perfect" spielt live im Karlsruher "Scruffy's"
Christmas Carols and Nativity Concert
Karlsruhe. Wenn das keine Ansage ist für einen musikalischen Abend mit Jamie Clarke's Perfect am Sonntag, 23. Dezember, ab 21 Uhr im Karlsruher "Scruffy's": "live music - great stereo sound - disco lights - single girls - beer", heißt es in der Ankündigung von Jamie Clarke zum Konzert: "Perfect's pre Xmas concert will be filled with heavy folkrocking."
Infos: Jamie Clarke started his career with 80's poptastic "Innocence Lost" and ended up touring the world with "The Pogues" in the 90's, replacing Philip Chevron on guitar and playing on and writing for their 1996 album "Pogue Mahone". In 1997 he formed "PERFECT", the band he's been fronting and playing with ever since, "Scruffy's Irish Pub" ist in der Karlstraße 4 in Karlsruhe, www.homeofperfect.de
Autor:Jo Wagner |
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