VHS Frühling/Sommer 2022
Business English Small Talk - B2 (online)
Am Montag, 7. März, beginnt um 19:00 Uhr der Online-Kurs „Business English Small Talk - B2“. Der Kurs umfasst fünf Termine, jeweils von 19:00 Uhr bis 20:30 Uhr und findet über Zoom statt.
Business professionals quite often encounter situations in their business life in which they manage their job-related topics quite well in English - but what about the breaks from the official talks?
Small talk with your business partners or colleagues from abroad is sometimes a big challenge.
How do you start off with a general conversation, move on to a more personal topic, create a relaxed atmosphere and find subjects of common interest? What could you do to break the ice and to let conversation flow easily?
In this course you will train and improve your small talk skills. Get to know key phrases and dialogues and excercise dialogues that you could use in your future business conversations.
Your level of English should be on a B2 level.
Anmeldungen sind online unter www.vhs-rpk.de möglich. Für weitere Informationen können sich Interessierte bei der Stadtverwaltung Schifferstadt vormittags unter der Telefonnummer 06235 44-302 oder 44-305 melden.
Autor:Susanne Schmitt aus Schifferstadt |
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