Amidst Putin´s war crime(s) in Ukraine
Notes of Solidarity

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- Foto: i.A. Aliaksei Kachanovich
- hochgeladen von Henning Belle
Heidelberg (hb, updated on March 3, 1:10 pm CET). Amidst Putin´s war on Ukraine, the Heidelberg section of the DAAD-Freundeskreis (DAAD Alumni & Friends) is collecting notes of solidarity for the Ukrainian people from all over the world. If you would like to express your thoughts and emotions as well, please feel free to send an e-mail to fk-rhein-neckar(at) For an eyewitness account from Kharkiv by university professor and DAAD alumnus Dr. Igor Girka, please click here.
"I express my broad support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people, whose suffering in Ukraine and around the world due to this war is unjustifiable. I also express my support for the Russian people who do not want this war and seek peaceful coexistence.
Our humble efforts to strengthen the foundations of peace, however insignificant they may seem, must not stop with this or other wars around the world."
Juan Carlos Pastene, Chile, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
"My prayers to the fellow innocent citizens in Ukraine who are suffering. After a viral pandemic, we need to avoid any another crisis or war.. Respected Government of Russia kindly please stop the Ukraine attacks... Bitte! Climate change is our immediate concern! with Climate change and enhanced global warming, even the Siberian region is also critically endangered - warfare will only trigger it further. Currently the Earth needs a unified effort to stop enhanced global warming. A humble request..."
Janice, India, University of Wuerzburg
""These days, the people of Ukraine have been showing an unprecedented courage and unity against the intimidating forces at Kremlin that are trying to hijack the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the largest country in continental Europe. At present the international community witnesses the true meaning of fundamental rights of freedom, independence, liberty and self-determination of nations which can cost at great price for civilized humanity to securely preserve them for many future generations to come. An overwhelming majority of people, whether they inherently belong to the Orient or the Occident, the North or the South from the bottom of their hearts wish and candidly convey sympathies and solidarity to the Ukrainians to withstand this belligerent military intervention with great bravery and heroism. May the peace come to this freedom-loving nation of the post-Soviet space at the earliest! We are now all Ukrainians!"
Izzat, Uzbekistan
"Dear Ukranians, as a Russian I am deeply devastated by the aggression of the Russian government in your wonderful country. I openly condemn the invasion and will continue to express my position everywhere I can. These days are full of pain for me and I can say that Russians are against this terrible war. I will continue donating, engaging in local activities to help Ukrainian refugees and demonstrate against the invasion. I also beg you not to judge all the Russians, because it helps us to do something against the government`s crimes in Ukraine. Please be safe, you and your families."
Elizaveta Saponchik, Russia, University of Passau
"Dear Ukrainians, I salute your valor and determination in these most difficult times. We realize the worth of Freedom and indeed pray that war never befalls anyone! We hope that the world leaders can find a way for your safety and security. We stand with you in solidarity! Our hearts and prayers are for you and for everyone facing war and atrocities all over the world! My deepest condolences to those who have lost their lives. Our hearts weep for you! Long live Ukraine!"
Oneza Zaim, Pakistan, Universität Greifswald
"The Russia invasion of Ukraine is against international law and human rights. In war normal citizens suffer the most via sanctions or bloodshed. What experience? Afghanistan ??, and still feeling its impact. Peace ✌️"
Sayed Masoumi, Afghanistan, DAAD Scholar - Rhein Waal University Kleve/Germany
"Dear Ukrainians, I know Ukraine from my childhood, I would use to play in a park in our neighborhood in Kabul named 'Kyiv Park' and it was built with the help of Ukrainians. The war doesn’t define Kyiv or Ukraine for me but the bravery, courage, resistance sprite of Ukrainians when the world leaders wanted to put a blind eye on Ukraine, defines the real Ukraine for me. I understand your pain and feel it to the core of my heart. I come from Afghanistan and have seen the amount of destruction and sorrow that war can bring.
You are on the right side of history and you will for sure win over evil sooner or later!"
Shafi Bajauri, Afghanistan, Scientific Research Assisstant at TU Brauchweig
"To the patriotic people of Ukraine. It's such a sad reality that the innocent and clueless people, mothers and children suffer the traumatic happenings of the cruel war as a result of pure selfish sadist political ambitions. The world stands with you. I send my prayers and may peace prevail in Ukraine."
Rozy, Kenya, George-August University, Göttingen
"Dear Ukrainians, I send strength and my prayers to you. Your courage and unity are so powerful that you will achieve anything. Know that you are not alone and we stand with you from Lithuania and many other countries. Stay strong, you inspire so many people! Slava Ukraini! Heroiam slava! ???️"
Mėta Kvedaravičiūtė, Lithuania, University of Heidelberg
""To all of you who are suffering the consequences of a pointless war orchestrated by the greed and power lust of a single individual, I offer you my sincere and heartfelt prayers. May peace be restored soon and hate and division be overthrown by love and unity."
Luz Maria Guevara, México, PhD Student University of Gottingen, Germany.
"Dear Ukrainians, I salute your valor and determination in these most difficult times. We realize the worth of Freedom and indeed pray that war never befalls anyone! We hope that the world leaders can find a way for your safety and security. We stand with you in solidarity! Our hearts and prayers are for you and for everyone facing war and atrocities all over the world! My deepest condolences to those who have lost their lives. Our hearts weep for you!"
Oneza Zaim, Pakistan, Universität Greifswald
"“There can be no excuse for the suffering of an innocent person. I am sure that most Russians share this belief and are shocked by the blood spilled in their name. My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine. I hope that peace returns to your land soon and that someday our nations may be free to live as we wish. Dear Ukrainians, stay strong and stay safe.”
Anton Ponomarev, Russia, Saint Petersburg State University
"The Russian invasion of the Ukraine makes me feel both angry and helpless. As a Russian citizen, I absolutely condemn aggression. This is a crime and a severe violation of international laws. I admire the free people of Ukraine who face Russian military aggression. Stay strong - millions of Russians, both in Russia and abroad, support you and stand against the war!”
Petr Slastenin, Russia, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
"I am deeply saddened and concerned by Russia's aggression on Ukraine. The state's sovereignty and territory, as well as the lives of innocent people, must not be violated and harmed. It is also unacceptable for the International community to ignore and condone it. As a South Korean citizen who has expereinced the pains of war, I offer my heartfelt sympathies to the people of Ukraine. The entire world must respond this together. Ukraine is never walk alone."
Juhee Jeong, South Korea, Heidelberg University
"We are deeply shocked and touched by the suffering in Ukraine! As a French-German family we are especially thinking of the Ukrainian-Russian couples/families that must feel more than torn by this conflict. We are keeping you in our prayers - may peace return to Ukraine and Europe as soon as possible!"
Meike and Benoît, Germany/France
"Dear friends and neighbours from Ukraine, I cannot express how sad I am by this completely unnecessary war. As a European I thought that peace, democracy, freedom are a gift that cannot be taken from us. On Thursday, one man decided to destroy what we have built over several generations. This cannot and must not happen! You made the entire world support you with your courage and unity. To my friends in Russia... This is not your war! It is also your time to stand up and show that you are not supporting this useless bloodbath. We pray for you from Romania! Glory to Ukraine! Слава Україні!"
Prof. Dr. Alexandru Popa, Romania, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
"Dear Ukrainian friends, nothing is worse than a war. It's a very hard time for you and the entire world, and I am not sure whether any words can ease your pain. As a person from post civil war Tajikistan, I am praying that this nightmare ends and the instigators of the conflict are punished. Please do not lose hope because the help and solidarity of people across the world will lighten the darkness and ease your burden."
Nafisa Mirzojamshedzoda, Tajikistan, University of Marburg
"Dear Ukrainians, We stand in solidarity with your country. We wish we could do more to help and protect the innocent lives that are being affected by this terrible act of injustice. Wishing the best for all of your families and for peace for your country once again."
Johanna, Germany, currently in Canada
"Words can’t sufficiently express how I feel right now. Even a couple of days ago, war in Europe was completely unimaginable. For me as a Czech citizen, war and occupation is something I only know from my grand parents and from history books. Nazi Germany attacking Czechoslovakia under the pretence of protection of German speakers in 1939 or the Warsaw Pact attacking Czechoslovakia under the pretence of the so-called brotherly aid in 1968. Putin’s war against Ukraine right now, however, is not only a war for the freedom and independence of Ukraine. This is a war for the freedom and independence of whole of Europe. Long live free Ukraine!" Martin Konvička, Czechia, Freie Universität Berlin"
"Dear sisters and brothers, in Slovakia we are incredibly sorry for what's currently happening in your motherland. Don't lose hope and your strength, we are with you! Sending you much positive energy and praying for you! Stay strong??"
Marcela, Slovakia, University of Mannheim
"I felt very sorry when I heard unexpected incident that lose many lives in Ukraine, especially children, women and oldest people, tear comes in my eye without I noticed, and I thought like the world is going to collapse. Why that is because I came from a country where people die like animals and nobody cares about that, and it made me lose hope when I heard it again, but I prayed that Lord would change the hearts of leaders to make peace and reconciliation."
James Yeina Ali, South Sudan, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
"My Ukrainian colleagues have all my moral support. I sincerely hope that they will be safe and the international community will do everything to support the Ukraine."
Prof. Petra Butler, New Zealand, Victoria University of Wellington
""From Myanmar, I stand with Ukrainians. I condemn the unprovoked acts of war directed against Ukraine and Ukrainians."
Myo Chit, Myanmar, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
"War is always painful and hard, but some things are worth fighting for. And freedom will always be one of them."
- Sam Hebbar, USA, Rochester Institute of Technology
"I have been deeply concerned since tensions between Ukraine and Russia began. Now it has reached the worst-case scenario of 'war' , which is unrealistic. Many innocent Ukrainians are now at risk of war and some have already lost their lives. My deepest condolences to those who have already lost their lives. I trust that the two countries will soon return to political dialogue!"
Muluken, Ethiopia, PhD Student, University of Goettingen, Germany
"Dear Ukrainians, I understand how many painful situations you are going through. War is not acceptable in any way and it can't be justified just for the capturing of a piece of land or any other resources. I personally have seen warlike situations from very near. Therefore, my heart weeps with you. I can raise my voice against war and surely I will, and I will pray for a peaceful Ukraine."
Hashim Wazir, Pakistan, university of Paderborn
"Dearest Brothers and Sisters, I could never have imagined that after all the destruction of wars history has witnessed, such a dark time would come for our closest neighbours – for the freedom-loving, talented, patriotic, optimistic Ukrainian nation. The new reality we are facing revives the worst fears and memories of World War II. No words can express how I feel about what is going on, but I want you to know that we, Belarusians, are proud of the Ukrainian Army and Ukrainian people. We admire you and your determination to fight for your independence and freedom, for peace for all of us, for our future, and the future of our children. We stand with Ukraine. The truth is on your side, and it will prevail! Слава Україні! Героям слава! With love and prayer!"
Anonymous, Belarus - student at a German university
"Dear Friends & Families from Ukraine?? , there is no way to feel the situation over there but whenever sirens ring in Kiev , it also ring my in heart. The whole World is witnessing the brave of Ukrainians when they are defending their land against invasion. Words will not be enough to express my deep wishes about seeing your beautiful country in peace again.
'Unless a nation’s life faces peril, war is murder.' -- Atatürk
May God bless Ukraine and Ukrainians."
M.Sertac Ozdilek, Turkey, Hochschule Kempten
""Amidst war and instability, we stand in solidarity for the safety of our friends in Ukraine. We are praying for your well-being."
Kemmar Webber, Jamaica, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
"Even if this short note of solidarity cannot, by any means, take away your pain and loss which you have suffered,
I hope it can make you feel the exceedingly high empathy which the (academic) European world has for you. Europe is strong and united, and you belong to this nation. Let´s all hope for a better future in which our daily lives are safe again. I pray for you."
Christina, Germany, University of Heidelberg
„I do express my full solidarity regarding the situation which is in Ukraine now. I do hope all of these things will end soon and we will live with the Ukrainian people in peace.“
Salome Mtchedlidze, Georgia, Ilia State University and Goettingen University
“You are un our mind and heart. Be strong. We demand a solution to come soon and stand by you. Every form of violance and abuse of power shall be erradicated with the solidarity demanded to each country leader.”
Xavier, Ecuador, from Uni FSU-Jena
“I extremely touched the pains of the Ukrainians. I have experienced such moments and understand how painful it is. In a battle of power, who suffer are the civilians and innocents.
Damn to war! Damn to the battle for power!”
Dawood Monis, Afghanistan, PH-Ludwigsburg University
“My dear Ukrainian people! I know of Ukraine by the reference of some friends of friends and I have known that it is a country of beautiful people, you all don't deserve an ounce of injustice and what times has brought on you. I can somehow understand and relate to your ongoing anxiety as someone from a very political unstable country and war history. Please know that almost all people from the world who care about humanity are standing with you in these hard times.
You all are in my prayers. Take this message as from my country mates and the fellows from my university. I would also like to state that I am beyond embarrassed and surprised by the take of my own country's prime minister, Imran Khan. We as a nation do not support war and are always with you. Warm Greeting and to bright futures!"
Ghazala, Pakistan, Heinrich-Heine university Düsseldorf

Autor:Henning Belle aus Wochenblatt Rhein-Neckar |
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